Spiritual Stuff


Your first port of call is Community Priest Katrina Hill - available on 3889118 or 0297703098... if you need or want any sort of help or contact within the community, then give her a call.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hi there! Here's a bit of a last minute reminder about these events:

Earthquake Remembrance Ceremony 
FRIDAY 22nd Feb 2013 from 11 - 11.30

I Love New Brighton Day
SATURDAY 23rd February 2013 from 11am - 3pm
@Thompson Park, Marine Park

Community Day
SATURDAY 16th March 2013 from 11am - 2pm
@ St Faiths, 46 Hawke Street, New Brighton

Hope to see you at one or two or even three of these Very Important Events:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Hello there!
A couple of things we thought you might like to know about:
On Tuesday there was an 'info' night at The Lounge for the the proposed Aquatic Centre. Tim Sintes gave a great talk and encouraged people to check out this website: 
It's a GREAT concept & would work brilliantly to provide our community with not just a fantastic facility, but would draw the community together as well. If you follow the link HERE, you'll be able to sign the petition online - we need as many people as possible to do this BEFORE FEB 18TH - so please click the link & show your support!
New-Brighton-Waterpark Swimming Pools 
Lent begins with an Ash Wednesday service on WEDNESDAY 13TH FEBRUARY  you are all most welcome to join us for that....plus, there is a 
Lenten study  beginning called 'Life of Prayer'  If you'd like to join us for that, ring Katrina or Carlie  on 388 9118 for more details:)
Happy Days & Blessings:):):)